Videoclip of the Month!!!



Hi there, MINIRADMAN is a blog that is dedicated to Metal, Hardcore and some types of rock music. Here, you will find album reviews, samples of songs that can be downloaded for free and youtube links, all this is to ensure enough try before you buy!

To download, just hit the black rectangle with the word "download" on it (obviously) and it should take you directly to the download screen or the site on which it's being hosted on, or a band page with avaliable downloads on them (eg, Pure Volume, Reverbnation, Facebook). But I will try and make as many direct downloads as possible to stop the annoying adds that are constantly in your face on other sites.

Also, be aware that I might only have access to .rar files sometimes so you will need a .rar extractor to extract the file (programs such as 7-zip and winrar do this)

I shouldn't have to say it, but don't copy or paste anything of this blog, the people of MINIRADMAN own 100% of all the metal reviews on here. If I find anything that is copied and pasted onto another site without my permission or notification. If will tell the webmaster for whatever site that may be (Metal-Archives, Spirit of Metal) and c'mon, lets be reasonable. My reviews aren't anything special and I don't consider myself to be a professional, so why bother copying and pasting from me?

Before all of you call me a pirate or anything along those lines, you must know that I get ALL the links from bands official pages that they have put up for free. So essentially, I'm promoting bands who want to be promoted by promoting their free EP/Demo/Albums whatever. Ok, if you have come here expecting anything that you would have to pay for at a CD shop or leaks, click the red "x" on the top right hand side of the screen now. There is absolutely no pirating going on here whatsoever and if anyone has a problem with any of the links on here, tell me and I will remove them (only if you are in a band that is).

You can also check MINIRADMAN out on facebook as well
Come, lets talk shit about metal!

So if you like what you hear, buy their t-shirt, cd's, posters, coffee mugs and break your fuckin neck! So all I can say now is enjoy the blog!

Live Long and Prosper \ m /
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