Bound By Exile is a deathcore band from the UK. Although they might not have ventured out of the UK for any tours, their music has already spread far and wide across the globe which has taken the underground deathcore scene by storm. I got to converse with Bound By Exile’s guitarist
Dan Trump about the band.

Hey Dan, how are you doing today?
I’m good thanks, feeling pretty rough from the weekend. But yeah pretty good none the less, getting excited for Thursday
Thursday? What is happening on Thursday?
Thursday we're off on our first UK tour with our good friends Nexilva, it's gonna be a blast. Touring the country getting pissed, more than likely having a few fights, sleeping rough, playing shows and generally having an amazing time...What could be better?
So yeah, getting pumped for it.
So you guys are good friends with Nexilva? Who else will be on that tour?
Yeah I'd say so, we had a gig with them back in July. That was the first time our paths crossed
It will just be us (Bound By Exile) and Nexilva on the tour
We will be joined by some sick local bands for each show, but it’s just us and them touring
So I'm guessing Nexilva is a favourite of yours to tour with.... if you had the opportunity to tour with one band in the world, which band would it be?
Ingested...hands down. They were huge influences on us when we first started
I don't think many people know about Bound By Exile at the moment, so tell us, what is and who is Bound By Exile?
Well, Bound By Exile are a Brutal Deathcore band formed in late 2009. We take our influence from a lot of bands like Whitechapel, Ingested and Oceano. Which is quite apparent in our music. I think people like us and think we stand out because we're not a straight up death metal band or a straight up deathcore band, we're somewhere in between. We want our fans to feel like they are listening to something different, not the same as every other deathcore band. We want them to get into the music and slam along with it in their bedrooms.
Tell us about your last ep Oppression, what was the main purpose of the music?
At the time of writing Oppression, we wanted it to be brutal and in your face. Myself and Matt ( the drummer) were also HEAVILY into Ingested at that time, especially when writing Misogynist and Betrayal Of Human Kind. We just wanted to slam through the whole ep. We also wanted to make a statement with our first release as well. Which I think we managed to pull off pretty well.
Are you guys making any new music?
We've recently began work writing new material for a new ep. Not too sure on a release date yet, most likely early next year. The ep will have 5 tracks and will be recorded at Studio 6 (Annotations Of An Autopsy, Ingested, Bring Me The Horizon). One of the tracks will have Jason Evans from Ingested doing guest vocals, so stocked to have him on board for it.
Wow, Jason Evans... it seems like you guys have some big time bands backing you up, is Bound By Exile something you want to be a household name?
Yeah, Jason's a really sound guy. He seems to really like us, which is such an incredible feeling to know a member from one of your favourite bands likes what you're doing. We just want to get our stuff out there for people to hear, If we get big we get big. We just want people to enjoy what we do.
That is an excellent answer because not many bands think that way. Now back to your new music, are we expecting anything different from what we saw in Oppression?
Er...It’s hard to describe really. The stuff we are writing is a lot different to our older stuff. I think it’s all just a bit more planned and thought out. There are a lot more breakdowns but it still keeps the same Bound By Exile sound.
Were there disputes between the band members about what Bound By Exile's sound was going to be? Or did everyone seem to have a similar idea?
Not gonna lie, there are a lot of disputes about what the band should feel like. Cortz and Alex (Vocals) are very much into the breakdown side of things. Matt, Alex and Mat (Drums, Bass, Guitar) want speed, blasts and brutality. I’m pretty easy going with it, I want to mix it up and make something that has the best of everything.
Did this make your music any harder to write?
Yeah of course, I write the guitars before anything else is done. So It's hard trying to write something that is going to keep everybody happy.
Did the London riots in August affect the band in anyway?
Nope, there were riots in Bristol where Alex lives. But not to the scale of the London riots. Most of us live in the middle of buttfuck nowhere, surrounded by cows and farmers. The only reason a riot would break out here is if the local ran out of Ale.
Where do you see Bound By Exile in say, three or four years time?
I suck at these types of questions. Anything can happen, we could split up tomorrow, we could get signed in a week. What we hope for is that we're still together doing what we love. Our aim is to obviously get signed, relentless touring and an album or 2. We want to make something decent out of this, We are determined not to end up being just another crappy local band that didn't do anything. Label wise though: Victory records or Siege Of Amida would be nice.
Well its seems that hopes and ambitions are high for Bound By Exile and I'm sure and certain that deathcore fans from around the world will be knowing who you guys are sooner or later. Speaking of fans, is there anything you wanted to say to the readers on Spirit of Metal?
Umm...check us out in Facebook, download out music, purchase some shirts and spread our name like the plague.
Thanks for your time Dan and I wish Bound By Exile prosperity and success in the future.
No worries and thanks a lot man
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